Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt

Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt
Lake Merritt's site

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


THE Golden State WARRIORS 

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are NBA World Champions

So the last time I spoke to y'all the Warriors were in the playoffs and I was giving you the Top 5 Reasons Watching Warriors Games on TV is Just as FUN as Being Inside R'Oracle Arena and unless you have been living under a rock since that post, you already know that the Golden State Warriors are the winners of said playoff run and sent every single one of their opponents into the record books as the team that couldn't stop the choo choo train known as the Golden State Warriors!!! Congrats to my favorite NBA squad. They deserve all the props and accolades coming their way.

While we are on the subject there has been heavy debate as to where exactly in the Bay Area represents the Warriors the best and of course being the author of this blog and long time fan I am quick to say Oakland. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) although the Warriors have been in Oakland for the past 40 years, the current owners of the GSW's are eager to move them back over the bridge to San Francisco for obvious reasons of course---insert your favorite song about money here--- Now I'm not gonna waste your eyeballs arguing over whether it's right, fair, or wrong. Of course it's wrong. All those big visions that Joe Lacob and the rest of his team have for what they want in San Francisco are theirs to have but I am a true believer that those visions are absolutely possible and would be best served in the town that the Warriors Headquarters currently reside in. But what do I know? I'm just a teacher with a penchant for most things digital who happens to have hella pride and love the city of my birth and upbringing HELLA MUCH. So I will say here what I have already said before openly quoting my rant from earlier today word for m'f n word...

"Y'all can say Bay Area 'til y'all blue and gold in the face but that trophy is coming back to Oakland first bishes..... ‪#‎townbizness‬"

This Facebook/Twitter status got a few peoples panties all up in a bunch and to that I say... So What! It's the truth. What? Am I not supposed to be upset with the the powers that be wanting to break up with Oakland for San Francisco because it supposed to be more profitable? Pffffsssstttt.... It aint more profitable for me. Besides, I have feelings, I wouldn't bleed blue and gold if that was the case.  So yeah I'm a little mad that the only two phrases the entire Warriors organization uses when describing the Warriors' actual proximity is "Bay Area" and "Oracle Arena" while visually hitting us with San Francisco images. Plastering "The City" on every thing else. Wait... didnt I say I wasnt gonna make this blog post all about the Warriors eventual move? Alright then....

In other news....

You can now follow Town Trippin on Tumblr  at towntrippin.tumblrhttp://towntrippin.tumblr.com/.com I am hoping that our move to Tumblr will make it easier for me and other contributors of Town Trippin to share more using diverse modes of content that can be shared across many more platforms easily.  **Is this announcement about making a change and moving on to something that is supposedly better?** hmmmmmmmmm. It should be noted that we are not moving our blog, we are just available on a second platform. So if you are a fan of Blogger you can follow us @ towntrippin.blogspot.comtowntrippin.blogspot.com and if you are a fan of Tumblr, you can follow us on Tumblr. BTW way here's a friendly reminder -- You can also Tweet us @towntrippin and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/towntrippin. Yes we are everywhere friends so holler or like or follow!!

Well that's it from us for today. Thanks so much for tuning in. I guess I will see Warrior fans at the parade this Friday in OAKLAND. I have included a copy of the parade map for you below.


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