Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt

Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt
Lake Merritt's site

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Oakland's First Friday--August 2015

I gotta be in SF at 9 am later this morning so WTF am I up writing?? 

 Oh cuz first of all---I drank an iced coffee while witnessing an awesome jam session at +awakencafe with Kev Choice and 2 very talented and very young men and when I say young I mean that the bass play in this pic is 17 years old young.  Yesterday (since it is now 1:39am) was #firstFriday in the Town and like always the Town did not disappoint. I mean if your eyeballs just got finished viewing the Roots of the Cotton Tree collection by Paul Lewin like my eyeballs just did then maybe they would protest going to sleep.
sorry about the glare

I'm no art critic so I'm not going to try and impress you with whatever art critics use to impress folks with. But I will say that the images in this collection are brilliant with color and imagination. Folklore,sci fi, tradition, and fantasy....yes, yes, Yes, and hell yes. Hey it's after 2 am right now so  #dontjudgeme.

I guess all I had to do was write cuz I'm finally getting sleepy. This First Friday was a long day of discovery and exploration for me. I would give you every detail buuuut my little fingers are on auto pilot right now. But I will gladly delve deeply into my August #firstFriday later. But for how about for now I just leave you with one of the first pics that I took today which is from the Old Oakland Farmers Market. Yes those are very alive and jumping catfish which I learned is a very popular item. Good night friends and you're welcome!

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