Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt

Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt
Lake Merritt's site

Friday, June 26, 2015

#Oakland You Know I Love You, Girl.

I made one vow to myself this summer. Okay no I made a coupla vows to myself to accomplish this summer. But, 2 of those vows are the subject of today's post. The first of those 2 vows has to do with me recommiting to this blog which I created a couple of years ago to talk about my favorite topic-- All Things Oakland. The other vow is to have a more intimate relationship with my camera. I'm not talking about the camera on my phone no no. (I couldn't really do that if I tried. Long story, perhaps I can chat about that tiny nightmare in another post. Sigh) Anyways the camera that I am referring to is my Canon 20D camera which from my understanding is one of the first DSLR cameras to come onto the market.  
filmmaker and business owner, Nenna Feelmore
I got the camera way back in 2013 from Nenna Feelmore - an award winning filmmaker and owner of  FeelMore Adult GalleryShe was having a fundraiser or something and so I got involved by purchasing this camera. At the time I didn't know much about DSLR cameras and taking photos with them and had only taken a SLR class while a student at UC Davis. Besides, you know I am more of a video girl. What I did know was that I wanted a DSLR camera and had a few extra bucks to spare. DSLR cameras have come a long way since then but my pocketbook not so much. So an upgrade is not anywhere in my near future. Hence my vow for the summer. I know it's been a coupla summers since I originally acquired it... But you have no right to judge me.

Now let's get back to what I was talking about in the first place, 2 of the many vows to myself for the summer. Me talking about all things Oakland and sharing it with you via this blog. On top of all that I have decided that this relationship with my camera should inspire others to make a commitment to their camera and the city that I love too! As result I've come up with a campaign slogan and hashtag  #OaklandBeloved. This means that you and whomever else can partake in my love for the city on the better side of the bay...Oakland. So grab your cameras people and get to snapping and them post your pics on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or where ever with the hashtag #OaklandBeloved. I know you might be wondering where I came up with that hashtag but who has time for that...LET'S BREAK THE INTERNET PEOPLE all for the love of #TheTown. 
Checkout what I was able to muster up on my last outing to Lake Merritt round twilight. I'm using the C.P.L filter that I found in a box with some other camera stuffs. Let me know what you think.

photo by M. AyeshaEdwards for @towntrippin 
photo by M. AyeshaEdwards for @towntrippin

photo by M. AyeshaEdwards for @towntrippin

photo by M. AyeshaEdwards for @towntrippin

photo by M. AyeshaEdwards for @towntrippin

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