Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt

Oakland's Beautiful Lake Merritt
Lake Merritt's site

Monday, July 27, 2015

#oaklandbeloved Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

 Putting your money where your mouth is can actually be kinda gross....

Which brings me to this #oaklandbeloved post. It is not often that you find one of these thinga-ma-jigs out and about 'round any town including the Town. Who remembers pay phones? All you needed was a number and a dime and you could call anybody anytiiiiime! *Did ya see what I did there?* My youngest got queasy trying to imagine that. He then whipped out his mobile phone and #snapchatted what I said. Clearly the last person that used this pay phone didnt know how in the heck to use it. But I hope he washed his hands when he was done. Let's see how many of y'all are really paying attention. If you can tell me where in Oakland this pay phone is I will send you a prize. Just email me at hollaatus@towntrippin.net 

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